When Doody Calls...
Raise your hand if there has been that time (or two, or three) that you’ve been completely unprepared. Or, maybe you were prepared, but weren’t expecting anything - um - extra. We’ve all been there. Up sh*#s creek without a bag!
This happened to us on a recent walk. We checked our pockets, checked them twice, and came up empty. We started searching for something, ANYTHING to use – which made us think… what DO other dog owners do when they are unprepared for when doody calls?
We asked our fans and here are six ingenious solutions that have been implemented to scoop the poop:
1. The Cup
Down on your luck. Use a cup! One fan mentioned she had used a Starbucks cup on a recent walk. It’s a decent option, especially if you are lucky enough to still have a lid on that cup - which can be used to help scoop! Disclaimer: it doesn’t have to be a Starbucks cup – any disposable cup will do. Well, maybe not any cup. Mo would need a Big Gulp!

Use a mask. Several fans reported using a mask for pick-ups. Masks have occupied many a coat pocket over the past few years. We can’t possibly be the only ones who have been duped into thinking that a little bulge in our pocket was a bag…only to realize at the most crucial moment that it was a mask! The humanity! We never thought to USE the mask for pick-up though. Genius.
We’ve been desperate enough to take the plastic off a neighbor's paper. One time, we also needed the inserts but left the actual paper intact. We’re not alone. Others admitted to doing this as well. We think your neighbor would truly thank you if they knew the reason their weekly grocery store flyer was missing – that is, if they even realized it was missing!

We would never promote leaving it – quite the opposite! Fans have used a leaf for clean-up. We are guessing those fans have very small dogs because we don’t live in a part of the country that offers any sized leaf that would work for our 70lb Yellow Lab or our 150lb Anatolian Shepherd.
Pick it up with a stick. This solution is not for the faint of heart. It involves accuracy, a steady hand, self-confidence, and a bit of show-offery. You are waving your stick in the air like you just don’t care, claiming your good citizenship badge while silently stating that you’ve done your job.
Maybe the most shocking response was from a fan who used her scarf for picking up. We can only imagine the decision process this person went through to settle on using a piece of their clothing. They must have felt the eyes of the neighborhood watch upon them. Friend, know that you can ALWAYS go back. In fact, another fan suggested planting a stick in the ground to find where to return to.

So there you have it – ZERO reasons to ever leave – or leaf – the scene of the crime!
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